Candle Scent
Interactive candle scenes that produce a relaxing ambience and imaginary scent!
14 different candle scenes - original, campfire, sweet tea, sea breeze, cherry blossom, vanilla, lavender, cinnamon pumpkin, birthday cake, holiday peppermint, orange grapefruit, mint, daisy, roses
Ability to turn candle flame on and extinguish flame
Beautiful UI
Pixel Time
Manage your time and stay focused through a generating scene!
A variety of scenes to choose from
Timer based on time user inputs
Scenes that generates as the time counts down
Final scene is to be enjoyed at the end of the focus session
Movement tracker to eliminate distractions
Word of encouragement when the app senses movement, or when one tries to leave the focus session
Point Track
Keep score of a two-team-game track, accuracy, and play a finger tapping game!
Score: System for keeping score by adding and subtracting points, stopwatch and reset button included
Accuracy: System for keeping track of accuracy with percentage, stopwatch and reset button included
Game: Game of faster tapping between two players, reset button and timer included, winners of the game announced
Tough Decisions
Make tough decisions by analyzing them critically!
Enter and edit the titles of the two choices you are analyzing
Enter, edit, or delete items with numerical values that weigh on either side of the choice
Final value with the most logical decision is calculated
Make your own skyline by clicking around to create buildings, bridges, and more!
Main Menu Page
Skyline Page - click around to create a skyline
Beautiful UI
Memory Shelf
Keep track of memories by adding different items on a variety of bookshelves!
Bookshelves in different environments to keep track of accomplishments, books read, etc. through adding trophies, books, plants, and paintings
Ability to add and delete items on bookshelves, items - trophies, books, plants, paintings
4 Bookshelf environments - modern environment, minimalist, double bookshelf, and library
Talk 'Bout It
Answer a variety of questions to break the ice!
Select different formats of questions: “favorite and least favorite,” “describe,” “would you rather,” and “deep”
Answer a randomly generated question from a selection of 100+ questions
Beautiful UI
To Do With Award
Make to do lists and reward yourself for completing them!
Enter and edit many to do lists
Enter and edit many items within to do list
Enter and edit awards within the items
Customizable title and ability to delete to do lists, item names, and award